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this program will offer dances for beginners, high beginners and improver level line dances in one class.  We will do a couple of beginner dances and then intersperse the higher level dances here and there.  Do as many of the dances as you'd like.  Take a break when you want and have a great time MOVING TO VARIOUS STYLES OF MUSIC.  Wear smooth-bottomed shoes or, of you don't have any, wear sneakers and bring a pair of old socks to cut up to go over the ball of the foot.  This will make turning easier.  Bring water and a snack, if you'd like, and how about a friend.  NO experience is necessary. Just a willingness to have fun and mess up (just like everyone else does).  It's a great way to add movement into your day.

INSTRUCTOR:  Michele Vecchione

line dancer shadows

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Beginner Line Dance - (MAR-JUNE) 
18y and up N/A 03/31/2025 - 06/23/2025
09:45 AM - 11:10 AM

Community Building
$72.50 Bow, $77.50 Non Bow
11 seat(s) available
Make-up June 16th, if needed.
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Improver Line Dance (APR-JUNE) 
18y and up N/A 04/02/2025 - 06/11/2025
09:45 AM - 11:10 AM

Community Building
$80.00 Bow, $85.00 Non Bow
15 seat(s) available
Make-up June 18th, if needed.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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