
When Registering for a Bow Parks & Recreation PROGRAMS/CAMPS/TRIPS/SPECIAL EVENTS, you will have acknowledged and agreed to the content that follows:

I release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Bow Parks and Recreation Department, Town of Bow, N.H., their agents, volunteers, and employees (hereafter referred to as “the Town”) from all liability for any loss or damage, including, but not limited to, bodily injury, illness, death or property damage, and any attorney’s fees and costs, judgments, claims, or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property or resulting in the death of the named participant, while the participant participates in the PROGRAMS/TRIPS/SUMMER CAMPS/CAMPS/SPECIAL EVENTS  REGISTERING INTO.

I am aware that participation in this program may present a strain on the participant’s body or its parts; therefore, I represent to the Town that to the best of my knowledge, the participant is in proper physical condition to participate and that I assume the risk of participation. I understand that if the above program involves traveling to various activity sites, I accept full responsibility for the transportation of the participant to and from these activities unless provided by the Town. I understand that in case of injury or illness, the Emergency Name listed in my records will be notified. If it is impossible to contact that person and it is an emergency, I hereby give permission for first aid treatment to be rendered and, if necessary, to have the participant transported to a hospital and/or medical clinic and to authorize their medical staff and the attending physician to treat, hospitalize, administer anesthesia, or to order injections or surgery.

Regarding programs of physical exertion such as sports, dance, and fitness: If the participant is pregnant or has health risks, or is 60 years or older, I understand that s/he may be required to obtain a Medical Release signed by a doctor before participating in any program. To my knowledge, the participant does not have any limiting physical condition or disability which would preclude a program of physical exertion. The participant has not been told by a physician to avoid exercise. The participant understands that s/he is responsible for exercising in a manner that is safe for her/him. The participant agrees to modify any activity as needed for his/her comfort and ability. Modifications will also be given by the instructor during fitness classes for various levels of intensity, skill, and comfort. The participant acknowledges that s/he may stop exercising at any time that it is in her/his best interest to do so. The participant will participate at a level that is appropriate for him/her and will avoid movements that cause pain or discomfort.

Refunds are issued only if a registered participant cancels at least one week prior to the start date of a program; less a $10 admin fee or the participant provides us with a note from a physician prior to the last class of the session, stating that they are unable to participate due to a medical condition.  If Bow Parks and Recreation cancels a program and there is no make-up available, a credit will be issued unless a refund is requested.

There are NO REFUNDS for SUMMER CAMP, TRIPS, AND ANY FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SUMMER CAMP.  Refunds will be issued ONLY if a field trip is canceled minus a $20 fee and camp will be held from 9:00 - 4:00 that day at Bow High School for campers that are registered for that trip.
You have read the "Important Camp Policies & Information", if applicable.

I also hereby give permission to use the named participant’s photo, videos, or artwork etc for display or
advertisement by the Town of Bow and/or Bow Parks and Recreation Department.

Sign & Date  _________________________________________________________________________