Bow Parks & Recreation
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Come learn the art of social Ballroom dance in this new class.  Ballroom dancing is when a couple dance a set of steps together rhythmically with the style of music being played.  In this class, we will learn two types of dances:  Swing and Waltz.  We will focus on learning easy and fun routines, as well as teaching how to lead and follow, so you can dance on the spot with any partner.  You will not need to sign up with a partner to join this class. Couples and singles are welcome.  We will rotate partners frequently in class so everyone has a chance to learn with different partners.  Ballroom shoes will not be required. Dress shoes with a heel (for men and women) are recommended, but not necessary, if you do not have ballroom shoes.

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Ballroom Dance for Adults 
18y and up N/A Tu  04/01/2025 - 05/27/2025
07:15 PM - 08:15 PM

Bow Recreation Center - 21 Bow Center Rd., Bow, NH
$60.00 Bow, $65.00 Non Bow
Make-up June 3rd, if needed.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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